Photo: Patrick Clement
Carolyn and Stephen would like to thank:
Richard Burkmar, Jim Bacon and Dr Helen Roy of CEH Wallingford for their enthusiastic support, kind offer to host the scheme website and considerable help in its day to day running and continued development.
Rob Edmunds (British Leafminers website), Jim Wheeler, Peter Hall and their predecessor Brian Goodey (Lepidoptera Dissection Group) and Ian Kimber (UK Moths), for help with, and permission to link extensively to their respective websites. We are particularly grateful to the large numbers of contributors of data and photographs to the above sites.
Bob Heckford who is the inspiration behind my particular interest in this family with the extensive and detailed research he has carried out and published on the life histories of many of this family filling in many of the gaps in our knowledge.
The very many people who have submitted photographs for use on the website over the years. Please note that all images used on this website remain the exclusive copyright of the photographer and are credited as such.
Permission to use photographs must be sought from the copyright holder themselves.
Dr Mark Young for providing a copy of the Gelechiid national vice county distribution maps.
Tony Davis, Rob Edmunds, Ian Kimber, Dr John Langmaid and Mark Parsons for advice on various issues relating to setting up a recording scheme.
John Langmaid and Mark Young who have been my long term mentors and enthusiastic compatriates on many exciting expeditions.
Graham Irving for his work in starting the original scheme back in 2001.