Photo: Oliver Wadsworth
National distribution at a Vice County (VC) level for each species can be found on the Moths Count website - see https://butterfly-conservation.org/moths/moth-resources-and-downloads/micro-moth-distribution-maps. This is not being updated at present so if more detailed and up to date information on the VC status of any Gelechiid species is required please contact the Gelechiid Recording Scheme organiser (details in Contacts above).
Information relating to new Vice County records and significant updates of historical records are published annually in the Entomologist’s Record and Journal of Variation, Microlepidoptera Review, most recently by Tony Davis and George Tordoff. These references are being added to and will all, eventually, be shown below.
- 1980 Vol. 93: 91 - 93
- 1981 Vol. 94: 97 - 98
- 1982 Vol. 95: 187 - 195
- 1983 Vol. 96: 245 - 258
- 2001 Vol. 114: 276 - 277
- 2002 Vol. 115: 263 - 265
- 2003 Vol. 116: 205 - 207
- 2004 Vol. 117: 243 - 245
- 2005 Vol. 118: 255 - 256
- 2006 Vol. 119: 253 - 255
- 2007 Vol. 121: 24 - 25
- 2008 Vol. 121: 276 – 277
- 2009 Vol. 122: 244 - 245
- 2010 Vol. 123: 264 - 265
- 2011 Vol. 124: 263 - 266
- 2012 Vol. 125: 219 - 221
- 2013 Vol. 126: 210 - 212
- 2014 Vol. 127: 249 - 250
- 2015 Vol. 128: 293 - 295
- 2016 Vol. 129: 265 - 290
- 2017 Vol. 130: 281 - 307
- 2018 Vol. 131: 283 - 309
- 2019 Vol. 132: 253 - 280
- 2020 Vol. 133: 267 - 298
- 2021 Vol. 134: 287 - 314
- 2022 Vol. 135: 261 - 292
A few VC records shown on the maps in the Moths and Butterflies of Great Britain and Ireland Vol 4 (2) have subsequently been found to be based on misidentifications or were added accidentally in error. These are:
- Aproaerema taeniolella (VC101)
- Gelechia turpella (VC5)
- Scrobipalpa artemisiella (VC100)
- Caryocolum proxima (VC66)
- The map for Aristotelia subdecurtella (page 100) is the wrong map, the species only having been noted from a few sites in East Anglia