35.005 Aproaerema albifrontella (Heinemann, 1870)
Status and Distribution
A single record of an adult is known in the British Isles, from the Scottish Highlands on 5th June 2001. Searches in appropriate habitat and containing potential foodplants have failed to relocate the moth or its larva.
Provisional map
Foodplant and Larval Feeding Signs
The foodplant and larval feeding signs are unknown in the British Isles.
In Europe the foodplant is reported as Astragalus arenarius, which is absent from the British Isles.
In Heckford, R. J., 2002, it is reported that a few specimens were disturbed with a bee-smoker on 29 July 1991 in Austria, at about 2000 m and Astragalus alpinus L. (alpine milk-vetch) was almost certainly present. This plant occurs in the British Isles and is confined to a few sites in the Highlands of Scotland. One small site is about 12 km to the south of the site where the moth was located, and the other, more extensive area, is about 7 km to the north.
The single British specimen was taken in an area of fairly short turf on a large vegetated rocky outcrop comprising mainly Helianthemum nummularium (common rock-rose), Lotus corniculatus (common bird's-foot-trefoil), grass and moss, with Trifolium pratense (red clover), Lathyrus linifolius var. montanus (bitter-vetch), Calluna vulgaris (heather) and a few plants of Anthyllis vulneraria (kidney vetch) nearby. It is suggested that Antennaria dioica (mountain everlasting) may also have been present nearby.
Finding the Moth
Searches for the larva have been unsuccesful and no further moths have been located.
Similar Species
This species is smaller than other British Aproaerema and has the whitish fascia at about three-quarters. In view of its scarcity, it would be advisable to seek expert advice if this species is suspected. Details of the habitat and plant composition of the area, where any potential candidates are found, should be noted and photographed.
The sole British example was found on the 5th June 2001.
In Europe it is thought it may be double-brooded, the adults occurring from April to June and again from July to August.