35.050 Aristotelia ericinella (Zeller, 1839)
Status and Distribution
Locally common on heaths and mosses and in moorland areas of England and Wales, very local in central Ireland and rare in Scotland. Not recorded from the Isle of Man or the Channel Islands.

Provisional map
Foodplant and Larval Feeding Signs
Calluna vulgaris (heather) - see plant distribution map. In Europe also utilises Erica herbacea and Empetrum nigrum (crowberry).
In a slender silk tube amongst the twigs of heather from which it is easily dislodged. Following this it will make a new silk tube leading to the potential presence of many empty tubes.
Finding the Moth
Larva: feeds in silken tubes amongst the upper twigs of heather.
Adult: can be readily swept from amongst the foodplant where it is easily disturbed, flying in the afternoon and evening. It occasionally comes to light.
Similar Species
A distinctive, strongly marked species which will not be confused with other species occuring amongst heather
Single-brooded from late June to early September.
Earliest: 24th June 1992 (VC58) and 24th June 2011 (VC62).
Latest: 15th September 2006 (VC37 and VC40).