35.112 Scrobipalpa suaedella (Richardson, 1893)

Status and Distribution

Very local, occasionally locally common.

Found in coastal saltmarshes along the south and east coast of England from Dorset to Norfolk. The distribution is patchy in south east England with few records from Sussex and none from Kent. There is a single 1962 record from Jersey.

National Status: Nationally Scarce A
Bradley & Fletcher no: 810
Photographer: Photo wanted

Provisional map



Scrobipalpa suaedella larva Dorset, May 2017 (Photo: © B Smart)


Set Specimens

Foodplant and Larval Feeding Signs

Suaeda vera (shrubby sea-blite), see plant distribution map, or occasionally on Suaeda maritima (anual sea-blite).

In a silken gallery amongst the leaves and blossom.


Coastal saltmarshes.

Finding the Moth

Scrobipalpa suaedella spinning Dorset, May 2017 (Photo: © B Smart)

Larva: in a silken gallery amongst the leaves and blossom generally at the tips of the shoots, occasionally on two shoots which are spun together. Infested shoots become withered and turn brown. Most larvae have been found from late April to mid-June but it has been recorded on annual sea-blite in August, a plant that is hardly visible in May and June.

Adult: comes readily to light.

Similar Species

One of the more readily identifiable Scrobipalpa in its usual British form with an unmarked pale ochreous dorsal quarter to the forewing. The species can on occasions be quite variable when it may superficially resemble Scrobipalpa instabilella, S. nitentella, S. samadensis or S. salcorniae (formerly in the British Isles thought to be S. salinella). S. ocellatella can also have a clear pale area at the base of the forewing but the central blackish spots are small and usually surrounded by a paler ring of colour. In S. suaedella these spots are variable and may resemble short black streaks, it does do not have an obvious ring of pale colour around these marks and lacks the warm brown patch from before the tornus to the middle of the wing. Dissection is recommended if there is any doubt.

May, June
June, July, August

Single brooded from mid-June to early September.

Earliest: 3rd June 2007 (VC9)

Latest: 19th September 2009 (VC19)