35.001 Aproaerema sangiella (Stainton, 1863)

Status and Distribution

Very local, with a scattered distribution mainly centred around parts of south-east and northern England, the east side of Scotland and western Ireland. Apparently absent from Wales, Isle of Man and the Channel Islands. Only 39 records known nationally between 1999 and 2023, but with no indication of any significant change in distribution.

A record from VC60 (Gait Barrows NNR) on 10.7.1999 detailed in the Entomologist's Rec. 112: 198 was a misidentification. A record from Dorset in 1967 has been listed in the county fauna but is, subject to further details, considered unconfirmed.

National Status: Nationally Scarce A
Bradley & Fletcher no: 845
Photographer: © T Tams
Location: Northumberland

Provisional map



Aproaerema sangiella, Northumberland 2015 (Photo: © T Tams) Aproaerema sangiella, Northumberland 2015 (Photo: © T Tams)  



Set Specimens

Aproaerema sangiella bred Lotus corniculatus, Co. Clare (Photo: © R J Heckford)  Aproaerema sangiella bred Lotus corniculatus, Co. Clare (Photo: © R J Heckford)

Foodplant and Larval Feeding Signs

Lotus corniculatus (common bird's-foot-trefoil), see plant distribution map.

Feeds between spun leaves often at the tip of a stem forming a small rounded bunch, sometimes bent downwards. Appears to prefer plants with fleshy leaves.



Frequents rough ground, often on calcareous soils including dunes, downland and short upland limestone turf, over most of its range. In Scotland also found on dry heaths.

Finding the Moth

Larva: feeds in spun leaves usually at the tips of the stem with a suggested preference for fleshier leaved plants.

Adult: can be swept from amongst the foodplant, has been observed resting on the plant during the day and is attracted to both actinic and mercury vapour light.

Similar Species

When fresh this species has a purplish or bluish tinge to the forewing with some scattered creamy-white to yellowish scales particularly beyond the blackish stigmata. The presence of a creamy-white to yellowish costal patch at three-quarters and similar tornal patch can occasionally extend to form a broken fascia. There is a prominent creamy-white stripe above the eyes and the pale inner surface of the second segment of the labial palps stand out well. There is no hint of any pale lining on the underside of the forewing as in A. taeniolella. It superficially resembles Aproaerema anthyllidella and Eulamprotes immaculatella from which it is readily separated by its larger size and broader wings. It may be necessary to dissect if there is any doubt or if the moth is at all worn.

April, May, June
June, July, August

Single brooded from late May to early September.